Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Perks:

   The Perks are:

  • Quick Revive (500 solo, 1500 multi) revives you in solo (3 time limit) and revives other players 4x quicker in multi.
  • Juggernog (2500) makes the player less vulnerable to hits, 4 hits with a normal zombie and 6 hits with a special zombie (Hellhound, Gas zombie, ect...).
  • Speed Cola (3000) makes the player reload faster.
  • Double Tap (2000) increases the player's guns rate of fire.
  • Stamin Up (2000) combines Liteweight with Marathon.
  • PhD Flopper (2000) removes all splash damage and causes damage to zombies when dolphin diving.
   The Perks are all lost ounce the player downs or ounce an Ascension monkey gets you. The most usefull are Juggernog and Speed Cola. PhD Flopper and Stamin Up are Ascension Exclusives.

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